Nicholas Reinholtz

Assistant Professor

University of Colorado Boulder
Leeds School of Business
Center for Research on Consumer Financial Decision Making
Institute of Cognitive Science

Nicholas Reinholtz


University of Colorado, Leeds School of Business - Boulder, CO
Assistant Professor of Marketing (2016-)
RK Landmark Faculty (2023-)
Institute of Cognitive Science Fellow (2018-)
Postdoctoral Research Associate and Instructor (2014-2016)

United States Securities and Exchange Commission - Washington, DC
Financial Economist (2023-2024)


Columbia University - New York, NY
Ph.D., Marketing (2015)
M.Phil., Marketing (2012)

Reed College - Portland, OR
MALS program (2007-2009)

Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA
B.S., Mechanical Engineering (2006)
B.A., Political Science (2006)


Meister, Matt and Nicholas Reinholtz (2025) "Quality Certifications Influence User-Generated Ratings," Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming. (Data and Materials)

André, Quentin and Nicholas Reinholtz (2024), "Pre-Registered Interim Analysis Designs (PRIADs): Increasing the Cost-Effectiveness of Hypothesis Testing," Journal of Consumer Research, 51(4), 845-865. (Data, Code, and Materials) (PRIApp)

Pomerance, Justin and Nicholas Reinholtz (2024), "Cut Me Some Slack!: How Perceptions of Financial Slack Influence Pain of Payment," Psychology and Marketing, 41(5), 1100-1114. (Data and Materials)

André, Quentin, Nicholas Reinholtz, and Bart de Langhe (2022), "Can Consumers Learn Price Dispersion?: Evidence for Dispersion Spillover Across Categories," Journal of Consumer Research, 48(5), 756-774. (Data, Code, and Materials)

Reinholtz, Nicholas, Sam J. Maglio, and Stephen A. Spiller (2021), "Stocks, Flows, and Risk Response to Pandemic Data," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(4), 657-668. (Data, Code, and Materials)

Reinholtz, Nicholas, Philip M. Fernbach, and Bart de Langhe (2021), "Do People Understand the Benefit of Diversification?," Management Science, 67(12), 7322-7343. (Data, Code, and Materials)

Parker, Jeffrey R., Iman Paul, and Nicholas Reinholtz (2020), "Perceived Momentum Influences Responsibility Judgments," Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(3), 482-489. (Data, Code, and Materials)

Spiller, Stephen A., Nicholas Reinholtz, and Sam J. Maglio (2020), "Judgments Based on Stocks and Flows: Different Presentations of the Same Data Can Lead to Opposing Inferences," Management Science, 66(5), 2213-2231. (Data, Code, and Materials)

Reinholtz, Nicholas, Daniel M. Bartels, and Jeffrey R. Parker (2015), "On the Mental Accounting of Restricted-Use Funds: How Gift Cards Change What People Purchase," Journal of Consumer Research, 42(4), 596-614.

Mason, Malia F. and Nicholas Reinholtz (2015), "Avenues Down Which A Self-Reminding Mind Can Wander," Motivation Science, 1(1), 1-21.

Levav, Jonathan, Nicholas Reinholtz, and Claire Lin (2012), "The Effect of Ordering Decisions by Choice-Set Size on Consumer Search," Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 585-599.

Working Papers

Reinholtz, Nicholas, Oded Netzer, and Jonathan Levav, "Variance Neglect in Consumer Search." (Dissertation)

Meister, Matt and Nicholas Reinholtz, "Consumers Believe Star Ratings are Comparable Even When They are Not."

Meister, Matt and Nicholas Reinholtz, "Quality in Context: Evidence That Consumption Context Influences User-Generated Product Ratings."

Popular Press

Maglio, Sam J., Nicholas Reinholtz, and Stephen A. Spiller (2021), "The Challenges of Presenting Pandemic Data", Sloan Management Review.

Nicholas Reinholtz

I have three kids. I've decided to review some of the media content they enjoy:*

  • Octonauts (TV show): Surprisingly OK.
  • Daniel Tiger (TV show): It could be worse? Seems to teach kids good things. Requires some suspension of disbelief. Leans pro monarchy.
  • Boss Baby (Movie): The best movie I've ever seen about an executive who is also an infant. Also the worst.
  • Baby Shark (Song): Kinda catchy?
  • Sofia the First (TV show): Not good.
  • Spirit (TV show): I don't like it. Also seems to scare the kids.
  • Ghostbusters (Movie): My older daughter claims to like this. I couldn't be more proud.
  • Kung Foo Panda 1, 2, and 3 (Movies): Very good, very good, and pretty good.
  • Arthur (TV show): Intro song = good. Actual show = less good.
  • Arthur (Old books): Bad.
  • Curious George (TV show): Fine?
  • Great Day for Up! (Book): A joy to read!
  • Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes (Book): Better if you know how to sing the song.
  • The Giving Tree (Book): Depressing. Suspect this isn't really intended as a kids book.
  • Goodnight Moon (Book): Soothing. Warm cinnamon and toffee notes that linger.
  • Moana (Movie): Good!
  • Frozen (Movie): Has a bad rap, but is actually fine.
  • Make Way for Ducklings (Book): Boring. Avoid unless you really like Boston.
  • Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (Book): OK once or twice.
  • Sesame Street (TV show): Hit or miss. High variance. The good episodes are very good, though.
  • Giant Pants (Book): This is a book about a giant who lost his pants. I like it.
  • Blueberries for Sal (Book): Portrays unsafe bear-encounter behavior. Also dull.
  • I Want My Hat Back (Book): Beautifully illustrated. Quite good, if you can get over the revenge murder part.
  • Zoey and Sassafras (Book Series): Unexpectedly thoughtful introduction to experimental design.
  • The Sneetches and Other Stories (Book): My favorite Seuss book and I give it 5 stars. Each child with a shelf needs a copy on thars.

*Reviews are in random order.

Nicholas Reinholtz

Physical Mail:
Nicholas Reinholtz
University of Colorado Boulder
Leeds School of Business
995 Regent Drive
Boulder, CO 80309

Electronic Mail:

CU Campus: Koelbel Building - 447